Neighborhood Business Highlight: Right on Time Errand Services

Whitney Phillips, Owner

When most people think of running errands, they think of traffic, long lines, heavy lifting and constant annoyances. One usually doesn’t think of running errands as providing a community service. But that’s exactly WHY Whitney Phillips, owner of Right on Time Errand Services, started her business. She saw a need to lend a helping hand to the busy families, hardworking students and senior citizens of Oxford and Lafayette county.

Whitney graduated from Ole Miss in 2015 with a Bachelor’s degree in Communications Sciences and Disorders and worked as a speech therapist for 2 years. After receiving her Master’s degree in Human Resource Management from Colorado State University and sensing the growing need for an errand service business, she opened Right on Time Errand Services in August 2019. In the beginning, she catered to busy moms and small business owners in town who greatly needed this service. But after a college student’s mother saw her business on Facebook, the word soon spread quickly and her business began to include running errands for busy college students and providing gifts from their out-of-town parents.

Whitney offers many different kinds of services – from buying weekly groceries to prescription pick-ups to delivering birthday gifts and cakes to dry cleaning pick-up to airport drop offs & pick ups to game-day shopping and delivery. With the Ole Miss football and baseball teams doing so well, short-term rentals have seen a rise in Oxford and this has created more opportunities for her errand business to expand and grow. She now offers “wait-for” services, such as waiting for the termite inspector or cable guy to show up or waiting for a furniture delivery order or even waiting for a short-term renter to show up to a property so she can let them in. The possibilities are endless, and Whitney is always happy to talk through any errand idea that you might have!

Whitney shared, “I really love the fact that I get to work for some of the nicest and sweetest moms and students. Who wouldn’t love getting to deliver smiles to students’ faces?! I like that I can help, when needed, even with pricing. I have a few set prices for my services, but I like my clients to know that I can work with them – I like to be as fair and affordable as I can be.”

We ask our Neighborhood businesses how the Oxford and Lafayette county real estate market affects them. Whitney shared, “My business has definitely expanded due to the second home market and short-term rental market. My “wait-for” services were created out of the Oxford real estate market!”

We are so grateful for Whitney and her passion for serving our community through Right on Time Errand Services. Contact Whitney on her cell at 662-380-1009 (call or text); email at or find her on social media (Facebook/Instagram/Tik Tok) Right on Time.

Neighborhoods close by: Depends on where Whitney is running errands, so any and all Oxford and Lafayette county neighborhoods!


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