Can Sellers Take Parts of their Home with Them?

It’s time for the final walk-thru for the buyer before closing day and many parts of the home are gone?! Can a seller do this?

Legally, anything that’s permanently attached to the property is considered a fixture and is, by law, generally included in the purchase. A real estate fixture is any object permanently attached to a property by way of bolts, screws, nails, glue, cement or other means. Items like chandeliers, ceiling fans and window treatments are generally seen as fixtures and will stay with the house in a real estate transaction.

There are some exceptions. This is one of the many reasons why it’s important to work with a realtor when selling your home. A good realtor knows to ask their seller if they want to take items with them at closing and how to properly disclose this in the MLS and other paperwork needed to sell a home. Most contracts will have verbiage in them that stipulate what stays with the home once it sells. So, sellers, don’t take anything that’s attached in your home unless you run it by your realtor first! Check out this article to learn more.


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