Neighborhood Philanthropy: Memory Makers

Oxford is host to some wonderful non-profit organizations that provide for our community in so many ways. We want to provide a glimpse of these organizations each month.


My husband and I learned about Memory Makers when his mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2014. We were put in touch with its founder, Jo Ann O’Quin, who guided us through both learning how to be a caregiver and how to get his mother involved at Memory Makers as a participant. The program is typically run four days a week (Monday-Thursday) from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. Participants are engaged in numerous kinds of activities from yoga to music to puzzles to arts/crafts to gardening to brain teasers. A light lunch is provided each day and volunteers are there to help with the activities and the setting up of each space. The caregivers are welcome to stay and participate or take a much needed break for themselves.

The global pandemic closed Memory Makers temporarily, but they opened back up on a limited schedule (Mondays and Wednesdays) this past Monday, January 24th. Two new staff members have taken on the important role as Program Directors. Both Katharine Hoover and Clark Ross are excited to start this new phase in their lives and look forward to working with both the participants and their caregivers. They are always looking for volunteers and donations. They have set up an Amazon wish-list and have provided a Donate button on their website for all monetary donations. 


Learn more about Memory Makers here or pop by to see their space located at 106 Skyline Drive. A HUGE thank you to Memory Makers staff and board of directors for all you do for the Oxford/Lafayette county community!


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