Looking to Downsize?
Change is hard. There are different seasons of life and there are different sizes of homes. Sometimes a downsize is necessary and sometimes it may cost more to downsize than staying put. Let’s look at this realtor.com article that shares best practices for navigating this daunting and emotional process of downsizing.
1. Budget all costs of downsizing. Make a budget that includes all expenses—moving expenses, closing costs, and any renovations or repairs that need to be made to your new home.
2. Map out your new space. Don’t assume your furniture will not fit because you are downsizing. Take the time to measure each room in your new space to determine what to keep, what to put in storage, and what to toss.
3. Rethink hobbies in the home. Home gym, back-yard gardener, collector of teapots – where will all of this go? Is there a backyard to garden? Consider your new space and if your home can accommodate your hobbies or if you need to join a gym or look for a community garden plot.
4. Offer some of your furniture and belongings to loved ones. Downsizing will bring on the purging of your stuff and family heirlooms. This would be a good time to reach out to loved ones to go through your stuff and share it with them.
5. Prioritize an open-concept layout. Smaller square footage? An open layout can make it feel larger.
6. Consider a radical change. A move out of town may be just the right downsizing plan. Consider the local culture and politics, your proximity to family, the cost of living, and other priorities.