Neighborhood Philanthropy: Doors of Hope Transition Ministries

Oxford is host to some wonderful non-profit organizations that provide for our community in so many ways. We want to provide a glimpse of these organizations each month. In 2010, while reading the Oxford Eagle, Sherry Williams-Jenkins saw an announcement for a community discussion on homelessness in the Oxford and Lafayette county area. By 2011, Sherry and others had created a vision and mission that became the Doors of Hope Transition Ministries, a 501C3 organization. And after a two-year break, their primary fundraiser, the Doors of Hope Holiday House Tour, is returning on Saturday, December 3rd and we cannot wait! It’s one of our favorite events in Oxford!

Executive Director, Mary Margaret Andrews (center) with interns Brittney Marks (left) and Gabby Rush (right)

The purpose of Doors of Hope Transition Ministries includes, but is not limited to, guiding homeless families and at-risk homeless families in Lafayette County, Mississippi toward self-reliance and stability through a holistic individualized approach that includes life-skills training, mentoring and supportive housing. Some of their current programs include: the Emergency Assistance Program, the Housing in Place Program, the Healthy Lifestyle Program and the Step 2 Program.

Doors of Hope is funded by grants from various organizations (United Way of Oxford and Lafayette County, LOFT, the Oxford Community Market and Move on UP, to name a few) and private donations. After a two-year break, their primary fundraiser, the Doors of Hope Holiday House Tour, is returning on Saturday, December 3rd and we cannot wait! It’s one of our favorite events in Oxford. This year’s tour will highlight five of Oxford’s beautiful homes in the Park Drive/Zilla Avent Drive area. There will be entertainment, a raffle and refreshments available. You can purchase tickets here.

Mary Margaret Andrews has served as the Executive Director of Doors of Hope the past five years. We recently spoke with her and she shared, “This is my 5th year with Doors of Hope, and I am extremely proud of the work we do in Lafayette County. Our goal is to help families who are struggling to make ends meet become self-sufficient. Most families we work with are one car repair away from homelessness and often just need a little help to get back on their feet. Others need to learn financial literacy and how to make better decisions. We work with them for 4 to 6 months to pay off debt and live within their means. It is so rewarding to see these families grow and graduate from our program. We have monthly dinners for both current clients and clients who have graduated.  The graduates mentor the current clients and help them feel inspired and hopeful. My hope is that we can hire another social worker to help us provide services for more Lafayette County residents in need.”

How can you help Doors of Hope Transition Ministries? Buy tickets and attend their Holiday House Tour. Donate household goods for their clients. Adopt a family for Christmas by contacting Mary Margaret @ Or you can make a monetary donation anytime.

We are so grateful to the Doors of Hope Transition Ministries and their love and compassion for our Lafayette county families who are struggling and in need of assistance. Contact Mary Margaret Andrews, Executive Director, to learn more and get involved by emailing


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