5 New Year’s Resolutions to Help You Buy a Home in 2022

As said in our first blog post, many of us like to set resolutions in the new year – why not make BUYING A HOUSE at the top of your list?!  As this realtor.com video shows, there are some great new year’s resolutions that can help in the home buying process.

  1. Stay Flexible – There is no perfect house out there. Remember to look at some homes outside of your set criteria (location, price, square footage, townhome, etc.). You may end up looking at a home or condo that you never thought would work for you, but ends up being the “right” fit in the end!

  2. Save, Save, Save – Buying a home costs much more than just the purchase price on the contract. You will need to save for closing costs, possible repairs, furnishings, tools, lawn equipment, etc. Don’t make any other large purchases and keep your finances in order.

  3. Don’t Blow the Budget – We are in a seller’s market with low inventory, high prices and multiple offers. Like the video suggests, we also encourage our clients to look at homes below their max budget, in case you do find yourself in a multiple offer situation.

  4. Less is More – Don’t be afraid to look at homes that are smaller than the square footage you originally had in mind. Many times you will be surprised at how the lay-out of a home can make it feel just as large!

  5. Stay Calm – We know that is easier said than done. Buying a home can be one of the most stressful things you do in your life, but it can also be one of the most rewarding and fun. We will be there with you to guide and help you remain as calm as possible.


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Happy New Year